Sunday, June 17, 2012

What's next for our Campaign for Change

As we celebrate Father's Day here in our community, it's fitting to reach out and let you know what the next steps in our Campaign for Change will be -- and how much we need you to be a part of it.

So much of what needs to be done is about creating a better future for our families and children.

Our win in the primary means that the work we've set out to do is just beginning.   After Election Night, so many of you reached out to say how excited you are about the opportunity for change, and asked us not to forget our passionate commitment to bring the Democratic Party here in New Mexico back to the people again.

We won't forget.  In fact, we've already started. 

Yesterday morning, I took your message to the Democratic Party of Santa Fe's Unity Breakfast, where I made it clear that our goal -- first and always -- is to represent the people, to take your ideas to the floor of the legislature, and to restore the Democratic values of fairness, justice and inclusion to our party.

I won't forget.  And now I'm asking for your help to continue that work.

First and foremost, we need to repair the damage that was done by the involvement of uninvited and unwelcome corporate PAC money in the final days of the election.   

This PAC involvement meant that a lot of people in our community who don't yet support our campaign likely believe
a lot of misinformation about who we are and what we stand for.  

We need your help to fix that, because we want and need the voices and ideas of everyone included in the discussion.    

So we're asking you to help in two ways:  

1.  Host a Listening Party.  If you have friends, neighbors and coworkers who aren't yet supporters of our Campaign for Change, please consider hosting a Listening Party so they can meet Carl in person.  It's easy to do -- just invite over a few friends and we'll take care of the rest.  For more information, email us at

2.  Contribute financially.  We still need financial contributions through November's election to help us get the word out about our campaign, repair the damage done by corporate PACs, begin to connect with the community in advance of the legislative session, and to pay off our campaign debt.  We've always been supported by individual contributions, so every little bit helps. To contribute, click here.