Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

After spending time with his own mother, Dolores, Carl Trujillo and his son Thomas celebrated with community members at the Women's Health Center Mother's Day Walk at Solana Center.

There's an old saying, "When Mama's not happy, nobody's happy!"  And the needs of moms in northern New Mexico reflect the most critical issues facing us today.  Record budget deficits caused in part by government corruption and mismanagement have led to serious cuts in needed services including health care and education. State employees forced to take unpaid furlough days have less money to provide for their families. And the state government's financial crisis means less grant money available for vital programs for preventing teen pregnancy and domestic violence.

We can fix these problems, but first we must start by cleaning up state government so that our tax dollars and government resources can be focused where they're most needed -- on the people of northern New Mexico.