Saturday, May 29, 2010

We've got momentum!

A group of our sign holders practices for Election Day, as we head into the final stretch of our Campaign for Change.

Our phone lines and emails are filled with people looking for ways to get involved-- and there's plenty to do.  There's an excitement in the air about the possibility of real change in our community for the first time in many years.

We'll be poll monitoring at every precinct in the district, with experts and attorneys on call to help with any problems that come up and specially trained poll monitors who are dedicated to doing everything we can to make sure that this election is fair, open and an honest representation of the will of the people -- not just for our campaign, but for every candidate on the ballot. 

Outside of the polls, our volunteers are helping with free rides to the polls, reminder calls and, of course, door-to-door-outreach.  And as you can see from the photo above, they're practicing their moves for Election Day sign holding.

With your help, we can win this and bring a much-needed change of leadership to District 46!